This book assesses and illustrates innovative and practical worldwide measures for combating sea level rise from the profession of landscape architecture. The work explores how the appropriate mixture of integrated, multi-scalar flood protection mechanisms can reduce risks associated with flood events including sea level rise.
Because sea level rise is a global issue, illustrative case studies performed from the United States, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, China, and the Netherlands identify the structural (engineered), non-structural (nature-based), and hybrid mechanisms (mixed) used to combat sea level rise and increase flood resilience. The alternative flood risk reduction mechanisms are extracted and analyzed from each case study to develop and explain a set of design-based typologies to combat sea level rise which can then be applied to help proctor new and existing communities.
It is important for those located within the current or future floodplain considering sea level rise and those responsible for land use, developmental, and population-related activities within these areas to strategically implement a series of integrated constructed and green infrastructure-based flood risk reduction mechanisms to adequately protect threatened areas. As a result, this book is beneficial to both academics and practitioners related to multiple design professions such as urban designers, urban planners, architects, real estate developers, and landscape architects.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Landscape Architecture and Sea Level Rise
1. Sea Level Rise as a Design and Planning Issue
2. Global Strategies for Flood and Sea Level Rise Mitigation
Section 2: Global Design for Sea Level Rise
Structural Heavy Design
3. Jefferson Parish, New Orleans Region, Louisiana
4. Tampa, Florida
Non-structural Heavy Design
5. Busan, Korea
6. Moakley Park, Boston, Massachusetts.
7. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
8. Fisherman’s Bend, Victoria, Australia
9. Island Bay, Greater Wellington Region of Aotearoa-New Zealand
10. Wilmington, Delaware
Hybrid Heavy Design
11. Franks Tract Futures, Sacramento: San Joaquin Delta, California
12. Samut Sakhon, Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand
13. Port Saint Joe, Florida
14. Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai, Japan
Balanced Design
15. Fleming Park, Baltimore, MD
16. Sanya Dong’an Wetland Park, Hainan, China
17. Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Statistical Area, League City, TX
Scenario-based Design
18. Amsterdam and Western Scheldt Regions, the Netherlands
19. Miami, Florida
20. Christchurch, Canterbury Region, Aotearoa New Zealand
Section 3: Innovative Solutions for Sea Level Rise
21. Structural Mechanisms
22. Non-structural Mechanisms
23. Hybrid Mechanisms
24. The Urban Periculum: A Landscape at Risk from Sea Level Rise
Newman, G.D., & Qiao, Z. (Eds.). (2022). Landscape Architecture for Sea Level Rise: Innovative Global Solutions (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003183419

Dr. Galen D. Newman
Dr. Galen D. Newman is Associate Professor and Interim Department Head in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University. He also serves as the Director of the Center for Housing and Urban Development. Dr. Newman’s research overlaps the fields of community resilience, land use science, urban analytics, landscape performance and advanced visualization. He has published over 70 peer reviewed articles in high-quality journals and has received over 31 million dollars in interdisciplinary funded research projects.

Zixu Qiao
Zixu Qiao has a Master of Landscape Architecture from Texas A&M University. She is a professional landscape architect, guest speaker at University of Guelph, and the founder of Land.Space Architecture. Her work includes research, design, and planning on a variety of site planning and landscape architecture projects in the US and China. Her design is committed to improving cities’ economic and environmental sustainability, resilience, and quality of life. She founded Land.Space Architecture in 2019, an online educational platform committed to improving young professionals’ visualization skills in landscape architecture.